

"Joshua Castille plays the role with a deeply ingrained sweetness that is openly obvious even when he rebels, standing up for himself and his needs against this hovering family. Castille is magnetic. Even from the rear of the orchestra, his pull on outside defenses and support is overwhelming. His portrayal of this character is superb and his transitions are demanding."

-The Berkshire Edge 


"Joshua Castille is a tender Billy who grows as a person when he finds a world in which he fits. Though his climatic speech in which he berates his family is perhaps a little harsh, he is a loveable innocent throughout the show."

- The Record: Entertainment

Run Dates:8/18/16 – 9/3/16

Directed By: Jenn Thompson


Deirdre Madigan  - Beth
Justine Salata - Ruth
Joshua Castille - Billy
C. David Johnson - Christopher
Miles G. Jackson  - Daniel

Behind the Scenes:
Toby Algya - Sound Designer
John McDermott - Scenic Designer
Julie Boyd - Artistic Director
Alexandria Wailes and Christopher Tester - Sign Masters